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Posted by Michael McGoldrick, Mon Jan 23 2012 at 11:05 am

Signs at P16:   No walking, snowshoeing, or dogs on the ski trails
I noticed that the NCC has put up a makeshift collection of signs at P16 (the trail to Herridge) which makes it clear that people are not allowed to walk, snowshoe, or bring their dogs on the ski trails (see the photo below). Maybe the NCC should put up more of these signs because the inappropriate use of the cross-country ski trails is really getting out of hand in certain areas of the Gatineau Park.

Ironically,�despite�the presence of the signs at P16, someone had recently walked on this ski trail leaving deep footprints in the groomed snow. Two weeks ago,� I came across two young women who were� merrily snowshoeing on the ski trail from Herridge towards Lac Philippe.� Last year I found five snowshoers and a dog on the trail to Western. And of course, it�s easy to find people (sometimes entire families) walking on Trail 36 to get to the Carbide-Willson Ruins.

When�you�tell these people (no matter how politely) that they should not be on the trails, you are often met with a look of total disbelief, indifference, and sometimes hostility (and the occasional lecture on the need to �share�).

My�guess�is that about 60% of the people walking or snowshoeing on the ski trails do so out of sheer ignorance. They honestly believe that the NCC maintains these trails for the benefit of everyone, and they seem oblivious to the fact that their activities are damaging the groomed ski trails. Another 40% know better, but don�t give a dam (there is usually no consequence for breaking the rules).

Putting�up��more signs to deal with this problem is a step in the right direction. I�m also wondering if the NCC could do more to let other park users know that skiers aren�t getting a freebie with the network of cross-country ski trails in the Gatineau Park.� By my estimation, skiers collectively pay about� $1 million a year to use these trails.


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