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Posted by Michael McGoldrick, Mon Apr 15 2013 at 9:44 pm

Official end of 2012-2013 cross-country ski season in the Gatineau Park - NCC News Release
Below is the News Release from the NCC announcing that the 2013 cross-country ski season in the Gatineau Park officially came to an end on April 15.� Although there will be no more trail grooming as of the 15th, the cross-country ski network will remain open until the snow melts.

Compared�to�recent�years, it has been a long ski season. Last year, the NCC issued their end-of-ski season news release on March 23, 2012, and year before, the news release was issued on April 1, 2011.


End�of�Cross-Country�Ski Season in Gatineau Park


Canada�s�Capital�Region�� The 2012-13 cross-country ski season on the trails at Gatineau Park officially ends today, Monday, April 15. The National Capital Commission (NCC) would like to inform users that it will stop track setting services and trail patrolling on Gatineau Park�s cross-country ski trails as of today. The cross-country ski network however will remain open to ski enthusiast until snow melts.

The�season�started�on December 22, 2012 and over 5500 cross-country skiers bought season passes. The National Capital Commission (NCC) looks forward to welcoming them back and to greet again all skiers on the trails next season.

The�NCC�wishes�to thank everyone who contributed to this success including the Service r�cr�atifs Demsis team, the volunteer patrol team and the participants to the Park Dialogue Winter Trails Workshop. Equally, this winter, more than 120 volunteers, clubs and organizations participated in the clean-up effort to restore the trail network after the storms on December 21 and 28, 2012. The NCC is grateful to them. Thanks also go out to everyone who organized special events in Gatineau Park during the winter season, including the Gatineau Loppet.�

Maintenance�work�and�spring cleaning operations on the parkway network in Gatineau Park will proceed over the coming weeks. The parkways are scheduled to open to motor vehicle traffic Friday, May 3 at noon.

For�more�information�about winter activities in Gatineau Park, please contact the NCC at 819-827-2020, 1-800-465-1867 (toll-free), 613-239-5090 (TTY) or 1-866-661-3530 (toll-free TTY).


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