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Posted by Ian, Mon Mar 2 2015 at 9:57 am
Say Hi
Hey folks,
If someone says 'hi' to you on the trail here''s a few things to consider:
- say hi back.
- look at them and at least smile.
- look at them and nod.
- all or some of the above.
Here's what not to do:
- keep staring straight in front of you avoiding eye contact at all cost (btw this really makes you look like a lunatic).
- grunt.
Why do SO MANY X-Country skiers choose the latter??
Is it a sport that anti-social border-line psychos just naturally gravitate towards??
Food for thought (I hope).
To all those that say 'hi' back, you are awesome. Salt of the earth. Keep being you!
- Say Hi - Ian (Mon Mar 2 2015 at 9:57 am)
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